Working with Reports


The "Reports" feature gives you two different views of the data entered by those who participate in your process - a statistical analysis or an integrity analysis. Both reports encompass the information associated with all documents that are in an active state.


Statistical Reports


Statistical Reports provide a convenient way to quickly glance at the type and amount of information entered by the applicants for an given form or document. They can also be used as an alternative to screens and filters to quickly find an application that meets a certain criteria. Statistical Reports summarize the information by document and form type. They allow you to easily see the number of documents and the percentage of documents completed, and they give you the capability to drill down to the unique set of values entered in a field.


     Learn how to use Statistical Reports to collect metric data



Integrity Report


The Integrity Report provides you with the ability to audit the source of the data and ensure that only the participants assigned to particular forms or sections of a document have entered the information shown. By including the Integrity Report in your process, you can assure stakeholders that your process is fully transparent.


Please note that even though an entry is flagged as suspect, there may have been a valid reason for superuser intervention- an applicant may request that an entry be changed after the document was submitted, for example. If you would be using this report in your process, consider adding an Administrative Use form to the document and include a comment field. This allows you to make note of the verbal request or paste the contents of the email requesting you to modify the information.



     Learn how to track down suspect information


Next Steps:


     Collecting Metric Data

     Tracking Suspect Entries